Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Shpeshal Night Out

Our butterfly bush works!
A beautiful night
and we're off to the beach!

It was a little too chilly to swim in
the ocean, but we made do with our own
little spa.

Just look at the concentration!

btw, this is a t-shirt I wore as a kid.
Aaahh, the passing of time...and the torch.

Take that you wave!

Dinner at Crab Shack. He ain't fraid
a no crocodile!

A little crocodile surfing...

...then wrangling Spidey style.

Corn on the cob! It's good for your body.
Abandon all hope ye who enter the Crab Shack!

Then some post-ingestion web slinging.

Yikes! Should I really be expected to
fix the red eye on all these carnivores?!

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