Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Weekend 2010!

Uh oh, watch out, these people will getcha!

A Family of Vampires ready to Suck your Blood.

On our way to assault the neighborhood!


Ok, so what if our jack-o-lanterns
didn't look exactly like this. Show offs!

We're very VERY Scary!

O went up all by himself! He's so BIG!
My little angel handing out candy.
He loved it, maybe even more than
recieving candy.

Chasing the pigeons in Market Square
and getting them with his Web Slinger.
The pirate ship.
He can ring your be-e-ell, ring your bell.

I'm gonna getcha!
We're thinking very deep thoughts about
the eco-consequences of the machine age.


We were playing with Play Doh the other day and i was making a rainbow. Oliver said, "no mom, I want the blue next to the red because red and blue look like friends."

As we were lying down for a nap today Oliver said "mom i just had a bad dream. Me and you were walking and we had chicken fingers from a restaurant. And there was this big stack of blocks. And we were walking and walking with our eyes closed and we crashed into this big stack of blocks and dropped our food."

Oliver is very sensitive to smells and said one day "mom what smells so bad?" i said "i don't know buddy what does it smell like?" to which he replied "Black toast intolerant."

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Big Boy Bike and Abigail's Birthday

Oliver's First Spin on his Big Boy Bike!

Followed by some nauseatingly intense
Merry-Go-Round riding.
Here I Come to save the Day!

Serious Bouncy Fun at Abigail's 2nd Birthday party.
Oliver and Sage were fast friends.

Quick re-fueling.
Abigail Blows out her Candles.
Some Dora Cake

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Shpeshal Night Out

Our butterfly bush works!
A beautiful night
and we're off to the beach!

It was a little too chilly to swim in
the ocean, but we made do with our own
little spa.

Just look at the concentration!

btw, this is a t-shirt I wore as a kid.
Aaahh, the passing of time...and the torch.

Take that you wave!

Dinner at Crab Shack. He ain't fraid
a no crocodile!

A little crocodile surfing...

...then wrangling Spidey style.

Corn on the cob! It's good for your body.
Abandon all hope ye who enter the Crab Shack!

Then some post-ingestion web slinging.

Yikes! Should I really be expected to
fix the red eye on all these carnivores?!