Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sand Gnats Baseball, Hull Park and Other Stuff

First Sand Gnats game this year.


One of the players gave Oliver a foul ball!

Ooohhh, Scary!

Ball Park food.

Double Web Slinging Whammy!

Some Food Prep Au Natural.

Hull Park Fountain Fun.

Making Mud Pies...

...That's MUD pies, not COW pies.
Say What?!
Oh My Sleeping Beauty and Woody and Buzz.

Warming up before his last soccer game.
Proud, proud Mom. (hi sunshine)

Soccer Friends!!

Oliver dons his Sweet Soccer Medal.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mother's Day at Mama Caren's

So Oliver and I spent Mom's day at my
friend Caren's dock. Here's O watering the
crabs we caught. "Don't worry little
crabs, we won't hurt you."

Debating the pros and cons of submersion.
O and Mama Caren. She is AWESOME! I love
a "wisened" woman that says "F@*!"


You know if you water them enough they
will grow.

Chatting up the neighbor kids.

Aye Aye Cap'n

There's no free crab lunch at Mama Caren's.
My little hard worker!
I see a furture here. There's not much Oliver likes
more than bossing people around. The
perfect captain.

Loving the good life, wind in his hair,
the master of all he surveys.

Watch out wind, Oliver will karate chop
you in a heartbeat!
Sorry crabs, mom needs some sustainance.

We had a beautiul day. Thank you mama Caren
and Captain Larry! Oliver is a HUGE fan.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Story Time

This is the scene of Oliver's pre-sleepy time
gathering. He huddled here with his friends
and read to them by the light of his flashlight.

Soccer....eehhhh! Cleats and Shin Guards...YES!

So, Micro Soccer has been an exercise in chaos.
Oliver is very ambivalent over the idea. He's
not quite sure if he is made out for team sports, BUT
he loves the gear! Cleats, shin guards, and red socks that
go past his knees are a huge hit.