Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Weekend with Logan and Linda

So Oliver has been insisting
on choosing his outfits.
Exhibit 1:
Please note they are all jammies
Exhibit 2:
At Linda, John and Logan's dock.
On the boat.
Some friendly tackling.

Oh bless 'em!
They're flying.

Mmmmm fried chicken. Although
both Logan and O prefer the skin
to the meat.
Some biking.
Such a gentleman swinging his lady.
Oh my, really?! Cuter? Never!

Next day at the beach. Tah Dah, check out that castle!
The happy couple at Crab Shack.
Oliver took this picture...
...and Logan took this one.
"He's just so fuzzy!!"

"Don't say it mom"
Logan is playing hard to get...
won't last long.