Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Weekend with Logan and Linda

So Oliver has been insisting
on choosing his outfits.
Exhibit 1:
Please note they are all jammies
Exhibit 2:
At Linda, John and Logan's dock.
On the boat.
Some friendly tackling.

Oh bless 'em!
They're flying.

Mmmmm fried chicken. Although
both Logan and O prefer the skin
to the meat.
Some biking.
Such a gentleman swinging his lady.
Oh my, really?! Cuter? Never!

Next day at the beach. Tah Dah, check out that castle!
The happy couple at Crab Shack.
Oliver took this picture...
...and Logan took this one.
"He's just so fuzzy!!"

"Don't say it mom"
Logan is playing hard to get...
won't last long.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Front yard picnic/ Might Eight Museum

Enormous plane engine.

Another bigun
Taking a moment to make some calls.
Lovely replica of a WWII English church.
O making a wish before dropping
a rock into the pool.
When asked what he wished for he
said "to be Spiderman."
Quick rest.
My little Atlas of Fighter Planes.

No offense today's women in the military,
but damn these women are like starlettes.
Good times in the gift shop.
After spreading a picnic blanket
one requires a little rest.
And another rest between bites of lunch.

He was enthralled with these lengths
of yarn for several days.
Making a froggie habitat.
Close up of said habitat.

Hiking at Ft McAllister

Playing with his new remote control
car courtesy of aunt becky
and unca jason.
We assembled this biplane and
were very creative in our color scheme.

Contemplative at Ft McAllister.
Who can pass up a good puddle.


In lieu of bouldering...

Super O!
Oh my, so strong!
Superman was ready to hike too.