Monday, April 13, 2009

Trash Town

Aunt Becky built this play town for Oliver. She used egg cartons,
milk cartons, cereal boxes, all recyclable items. The ladder even
extends on the fire engine. We love Aunt Becky!!

2 Big Milestones

The Easter Bunny Brought Play-Doh!!!
So far no ingestion of said Play-Doh

Let's give praise...Play-Doh has risen!!!

Seriously, if he were cuter it would be a sin.

Oliver's First Visit to the Dentist!!!!
My sweet angel is sharing his Elmo Bunny
"I gave him my Elmo Bunny. That's sweet."
It's very sweet buddy and that's a "her"


It was a whirlwind experience. It's all a blur to us.

Just waiting patiently

Almost ready...

Elmo bunny is ready too

He was just perfect.

Look at that calm. It's a testament to my stellar parenting.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Basic Cuteness

Contemplation of a Fashionista?

Clearly, Yes!

Dr. Byrne making a house call

We do not advocate guns, however, we are SO BAD ASS!

Even bad asses need to unwind.


Our amazing snowman!

Of course size is not the issue

"Uh oh mom, I fall down"

I'm not saying he's a genious, but he clearly
gets his organizational skills from me.

Running in the sound room at the MEWseum

Good grief, can he charm the diaper off anyone or what?

Preparing a lovely salad

Seriously, how cute are his little dishes

Come on Dipsy

Overseeing his world Zeus-like

Walking doggie and the arrow

Sebastian has to sneak into bed with Oliver
after he's fallen asleep, otherwise it's "No Bastian! Get off me bed!"