Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Finally!! Snow for my beautiful boy.

Not quite sure what to do...

Hmmmmm...what to do...

Perhaps traverse these steps...

Yes, this seems appropriate

Running!! That's the ticket!

Look at me go!

Still going...

Just a little longer...

And now "nap time"

But who can lie still when IT'S SNOWING!!!

See how angelic we are.

"It's ok, it's ok. it's not fast"

Oh my. Beautiful.

Finally, almost sleepy time.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A casual stroll while discussing President elect Obama's
healthcare plan, soccer, and how Santa brings you presents.
I'm pretty sure french fries comprise
several levels of the food pyramid

Not to mention that Reagan designated catsup as a vegetable.

This is Oliver's patented take on the "Whachoo talkin' 'bout Willis?"

Such a big boy

More Stimulating political and Santa discussions.

The traditional Thanksgiving Climb-your-Mom event.

Contemplating all the things for which he is thankful.

Working off his turkey dinner

How you doin?

O.M.G. He's just too cute.