Saturday, September 19, 2009

Naked Antics and Other Stuff

River Boat Cruise, in August, in Savannah.....
My son insists upon long sleeves and pants.

Seriously, could he be more handsome?
Making use of his new pick-up approach,
"So you into Spiderman?"

Check out her little crossed legs.

Right back at cha babe! Leave the boots ON!

Naked and a cupcake? Perfection.

In keeping with Oliver's new insistence upon
wearing long sleeves and pants, he particularly
enjoyed time in his "silky jammies." Apparently they
endow the wearer with amazing ball throwing powers.

And lightning speed.

But also the inner peace necessary for deep introspection.

Oliver's magnet sculpture.

Painting the wooden submarine we assembled.

And his lego tower that he didn't want to put away
because "I made this for you mom."

Naked comtemplation on the coffee table?

"I'm hiding mom!" Where's Oliver?

There he is!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Savannah Pride 2009

Batman has amazing skills of patience and stillness
The Bouncing Batman Bounds Beautifully...

...And also Blows Bubbles Bountifully

Oliver has pride in his whooping cough.
Shower in the water fountain? That's how we roll!

Batman to the rescue!
Clearing obstacles with Bat-like agility
And balancing with Bat-like precision.
Seriously check out that superhero six pack.
And of course Batman has fantastic fashion sense.
"Look mom, a smile!"
Sweet bat kisses.
Batman has no fear of swinging high!

A moment of rest and reflection after a
day of prideful superheroism.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Oliver's new room

My poor little sick angel

Baseball game

Homies from the the west siiieed

Ok, not as cool as the Durham Bull,
but the Sand Gnat will pester you
until you just leave. Badd Ass!

More big boy room shots

Sweet kisses...

Going to the beach

Oliver met another Big Boy to play with

He's absolutley fearless in the ocean

"Come in the wahlah mom"

"I'm Oliver"

Another day, another big boy friend

We saved this firefly from the perilous waves