Saturday, December 27, 2008

What is there to say?

Christmas has descended

"Becky. lay down!"

Contemplating the meaning of Christmas

Coming out of hiding

Where's Owiler?

Too much?

All he needs is a smoking jacket
New babies
Dinosaurs say "RRAAHHHR"
Pele who? This kid has serious soccer skills
"Dis the crash cymbal. It's loud"
This is Oliver's favorite ornament -
it's Rudolph and the dentist and Rudolph's nose lights up

Sleeping Angel
such a little man

It's the tongue that makes it all possible

Could he be more beautiful?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Just cuteness

Sophie - newest family member, she is on a trial period as she seems to have a proclivity for peeing on all the furniture.
Watching "Robots," Oliver's new favorite movie

Our jack-o-lanterns that Oliver named Aunt becky and "Unca" Jason

Just ensuring the fire hydrant is in proper working order

"Run in circles mom"

High steppin'

My sweet, pensive little man

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Tyler's, Football and Runnin' amock!

Could he be any cuter?
Just like Michael Jordan

Just look at that form!

And those moves!

He gets this natural athleticism from me of course.

Just gorgeous.

Skills baby, mad skills.

"play wif Efan (Ethan)"

And he definitely gets his mad dance moves from me.

